Wednesday, October 21, 2009

"2009 ..2009 bloody bastard .. you are all set to kill me but mind it, I have been a fighter throughout my life and I would continue to present a fierce resistace."

Well , well , well .. I am not joking, 2009 has been the worst year of my entire life of 26 years.Every month has come up with a serious killer issue . I can write separately about every month and still I won't be able to jot down my thoughts. It has been and still is proving to be a year that demands patience.

To add to the list of ups and downs, I have fractured my left leg . I have broken one bone of my left leg and cracked the other.That bloody incident happened on July 11 2009. I will post my every emotion later but here are one line emotions(NOT EDITED) that I managed to capture on my mobile phone in the first 10 days.

July 11 : "Accident .. max hospital ...fortis.. pain"

July 12 :"my leg doesn't move ..more pain "

July 13 " No pain .. full anasthesia but once anasthesia fades away ..."
surgery time : 11am-1pm

July 14 : day after surgery "it hurts like hell .. no respite"

July 15 : " discharge date .. bloody physiotherapy "

July 17 : "extreme pain .. my leg is swelled up .. it's 4am and i am still waiting for pain to subside so that I may sleep packs don't always help"

July 20 :"plain dressing dirty blood comes out physio suggests exercise despite of pain when this ordeal would end the night was extremely heavy i woke up at 4am due to pain and heaviness in my leg was awake till 515 dont remember when i slept"

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