Sunday, May 31, 2009

Change is definitely good !!!

Yes, change has hit me... last fortnight , my work life took an unexpected turn when I was moved from the Analog group to the mixed signal group.To be on the frank side, I was extremely angry and confused at the transition because I was the only one to be moved out from the group.The usual things happened , the mangagement trying to explain me with their usual recession fundas and other stuff but I had no option; I had to accept and accept with a heavy heat.

At the end of 15 days , I am extremely happy at the turn of things. I am extremely relaxed now ; be it physically and menatlly. All of a sudden my pain of cervical spondilytis has vanished , almost magically.For the last one year the pain in my neck was almost unbearable with the medicines proving worthless and ineffective.Everybody including myself was perplexed , why this pain is taking so longer to subside .The doctor kept on asking me if I had any mental troubles ; I kept on declining because I never accepted that my hectic and sometimes inhuman worklife has some effect on me.Now, I have the results ; the pain that haunted me for long , putting a full stop to all my plans has sympathized with me.No more pain killers, no more sleeping pills ...yeah , I have reasons to be happy.

Another thing that has changed significantly is my involvement in extra curriculars. For long , people had accused me of having no interests in life be it movies , music or any games or sports .I can agree if they say sports but please don't comment on anything else.I need time for everything buddy ; time for myself but if I am constantly forced to come to office for 7 days a week working 8-10 hours a day , it is impossible to pursue a hobbby.May be you are thinking that I complain a lot , putting a blame on other people but ... anyways lets change the topic ; this is a debatable topic and will open up may grey areas of work ethics :)

Now the things have changed !!! I have started pursuing things that I have been thing for long ....French is the first thing , writing is second and the list continues .... I will keep u updated on the twists and turns in my life but now it's time to stop writing and go back to work !! [:)] ...

Finally , I am coming back to life !

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